
“Molly is the best Fairy Bookmother I could ever wish for! I don’t know what I would do without her. Without her instruction, my stories would never make it out of the slush piles. Every time I incorporate her inspired notes (she is so gifted) to my stories, I take a deep breath and feel more optimistic- I feel like I’m getting closer to one day having one of my stories published. I’m so green but I’m getting more seasoned by the minute. I’m not a quitter, I’m a learner. I’m so grateful to have Molly in my corner.”

—Sharon N.

“Molly Beth Griffin is a master at teaching craft and at providing feedback that is not only spot-on, but requires you to work out your manuscript’s challenges and thus develop as a writer. I have learned from her through every class, workshop, and critique, and hope to continue learning from her in the future.”

—Kathryn H.

“I’ve taken multiple intensive classes with Molly and have used her online critique services. She has a knack for finding the heart of a story and bringing it to the forefront. Molly knows the rules of writing children’s books, but she also knows when to bend, or break, them. Her dedication to the craft of writing and to the children’s literature community is outstanding. My writing is better because of Molly’s work.”

—Laura U.

“I have known Molly Beth for years and I recommend her classes to others all the time. She is supportive and has a keen eye for detail. I took her Lyrical Picture Book writing class one year when I needed a creative boost. The manuscript I wrote in that class, which Molly Beth helped shape, is a Spring 2020 release with Cameron Kids Books. Thanks, Molly Beth!

—Aimée B.

I took Molly Beth Griffin’s Picture Book Master Class at the Loft and it was such a great investment. Her lessons were packed with information including assignments to practice what we learned. Molly shared piles of books, and she often brought in published authors and illustrators as guest speakers to give us a “peek behind the curtain”. I learned as much during the critiques (of others’ work as well as mine) as I did during the lessons. I liked the class so much, that I signed up for a critique class too. Molly’s masterful facilitation style elicits input while controlling dialogue to keep the discussion focused and within time constraints. In addition to the classes I paid for, I also enjoyed stopping by the free Salon sessions (held by Molly once a month) to hear amazing local guest speakers. Molly is a pro. I highly recommend any course she teaches!”

—Ann P.

Molly’s critiqued five picture manuscripts for me and I’ve been impressed with how she zeroes in on the problems. Her critiques have included general suggestions, specific suggestions, some edits and an occasional “love it!” Not only has she helped me strengthen my stories, but she’s also helped me improve my skills and storytelling.  I’m now looking for publishers/agent. More importantly, I trust Molly.

—Helen W.

Molly has a way of getting straight to the heart of a story. I’ve had the privilege of being in her workshop courses several times, and it has struck me how often I’m struggling to put my thoughts about a manuscript into words when Molly states an observation that makes me think, “Yes! THAT! Exactly!” Her expertise in the picture book format is on display every time she gives feedback, from story arc and pacing to word choice and theme. She’s helped me to take my writing to the next level and provided so much insight about the kidlit industry. Molly makes a huge contribution to the Minnesota kidlit community and we’re lucky to have her!

—Katie K.